Procurement and Contracts

Opportunities for contractors, vendors, and suppliers

Salem Area Mass Transit District (dba Cherriots) offers a wide range of business opportunities for contractors, vendors, and suppliers in construction, professional services, maintenance and repair, operation equipment, and more.

Any vendor submitting a bid or a proposal to Cherriots is required to review and acknowledge the Federal Transit Administration Contract Clauses that are applicable to the specific procurement.

The solicitation documents may be obtained from the State’s Procurement website (OregonBuys). Registration is required.

Cherriots does not post all notifications or addenda to this procurement webpage. You must register on the State’s OregonBuys System to download any opportunities. Any addendum issued will be automatically emailed.

Current solicitations




Upcoming projects

Estimated Release Date: July/August 2024

Landscape Maintenance

Climate Action Plan

Healthcare Broker Services



Contact our Procurement and Contracts Department at