Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund Advisory Committee

Advisors to the board on projects funded by the STIF

The Salem Area Mass Transit District Board of Directors formed the Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund Advisory Committee (“STIFAC”) pursuant to Oregon law for the purpose of advising and assisting the District in carrying out the purposes of the Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund (“STIF”). The STIF was created with the passage of House Bill 2017 in the 2017 Legislative Session.

The STIFAC will prioritize and recommend projects that will go to the Board of Directors for approval. The District is the designated Qualified Entity for STIF monies received for public transportation service providers (PTSP) in the Marion and Polk counties area. The PTSPs include Cherriots Local, Cherriots Regional, Woodburn Transit, and Silverton’s Silver Trolley. The STIFAC may also advise the District regarding opportunities to coordinate STIF-funded projects with other local or regional transportation programs and services to improve transportation service delivery and reduce gaps in service.

• Paratransit user
• Recreational/bike/pedestrian advocate
• Social services agency representative
• Medical community/care provider
• Chambers of commerce/business economic development organization
• Major employer (over 100 employees)
• School district representative/educational community
• Ethnic community member
• At-large member
• Youth leader (between 16-24 years of age)

Explore meeting agendas and minutes, obtain details on upcoming meetings, and access current committee rosters by visiting the Public Meetings and Notice page.

Get Involved

Are you interested in public service and getting more involved with your community? Consider applying to be a member of the Salem Area Mass Transit District's Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund Advisory Committee. 

Please complete the application below. If you encounter any difficulty completing the application form below, kindly download it from this link, complete the required fields, and promptly return the form via email or mail to the contact provided on the application. 

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